Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Round Two - The Oz Principle

Change the Culture, Change the Game

ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION.  It's the Green Reader here with an announcement for everyone out there in the Emerald City.  The 2nd book has been chosen by the Wiz himself.  We are reading The Oz Principle.  Captains, please let me know how many munchkins from your office want in!  Send a head count by Friday, February 24th or I'll have the flying monkeys after you.  I will ship out the books via tornado and we will plan to have our individual book clubs in May.  (sorry, these red sparkly slippers are making me quite punchy!)

WE'RE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE! (well, except for Jason)


  1. sounds like a great read. looking forward to round 2!

  2. Dallas is excited about this new book! We even have several recruiters on board for this one.

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  6. Everyone out there in the Emerald City is the Green Reader here with an announcement. El Wiz ha elegido el segundo libro por sí mismo. El principio de Oz está siendo leído. Captains, please tell me how many munchkins from your office want to be in! Send a head count by Friday, February 24, or I'll have the flying monkeys after you. I also enjoyed the discussion about how government spending can be used to create jobs and stimulate consumer spending.DUI Lawyer in Fairfax En general, este blog post proporciona una excelente descripción del estado de la economía actual y brinda valiosos consejos sobre las mejores formas de avanzar.

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  8. The blog post from 2012 titled "Round Two - The Oz Principle" provides a captivating exploration of the Oz Principle, delving into its application in the workplace. The author skillfully articulates the concept's relevance and offers real-world examples to illustrate its effectiveness. The engaging narrative style makes the content accessible to readers, fostering a deeper understanding of the Oz Principle's principles. The post not only educates but also sparks introspection, encouraging individuals to consider how these concepts can be integrated into their professional lives. A well-crafted and insightful piece that adds value to discussions on leadership and accountability.
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  11. Round Two of the Oz Principle is an inspiring journey toward accountability and empowerment! Delving deeper into the principles of ownership, it equips individuals and teams with the tools to elevate performance and drive success. A must-read for anyone striving to create a culture of accountability and excellence in their organization.
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